Role of Technology in Governance
The out break of covid-19 pandemic has restrict the function of governament due to lockdown and social distancing norms .In this senario working remotly the technolgy has become the fundamental key for successful democracy .The role of technology has become more significant in good goverance and public service delivery. USE OF TECHNOLOGY IN GOVERANCE: E-Legislature : - The role of parliament and many states of legislature , as an insitute of debate , deliberation and law making has been distrupted due to covid-19 . The legistive bodies are an insitution of public trust . Hence , it need to continue its role of scrunity of government action especially in times of crisis . Techonoly has been the centric solution in the continuity of work in law making even though meeting can't be held physically . The online meeting help on debate and deliberation on important issue. The establishment of E-legislature has help in reducing the frequent use of ordinace. It has strength th